Sunday, April 3, 2011

Things that made me Happy this afternoon. . .

1) Getting out of work much earlier than expected, with a beautiful, sunny afternoon ahead of me.

2) Finding fresh corn on the cob at the supermarket, the first of the season! I bought four ears and two of 'em are going into my tummy tonight!

3) Opening up the porch when I got home, and throwing open windows for the first time, both out there and inside the house.

4) Sitting on the couch out there with two quats on my lap, just watching the world go by and seeing how much the quats enjoyed the fresh air and sun.

5) Just now: ordering three lilac trees from White Flower Farm to plant in the front and side garden patches around the house. I've always had lilacs and daffodils in the spring, and at this house I'm gonna have both (won't order the daffodils until the end of June, though). Cost me $90 all told, but some things you just have to have. It's a quality of life issue.

Now I've got to go and close those windows! It's getting chilly in here!

-- Freder

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