Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Docking Soon in the Tarot Store: STEAMPUNK PUSSYQUATS!

“I believe cats to be spirits come to earth.

A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through.” 

― Jules Verne

The boiler is firing!
The gears are spinning!
We are gaining altitude!


Climb aboard the good airship Tarocco Gatto. Let the Steampunk Pussyquats be your guide to the whirling flywheels of life. Your destination? That is yet to be Revealed.

This traditional 78-card Tarot pack was created in an accessible, evocative steampunk style for the curious newcomer and skilled practitioner alike. 

Edition Details :

Packaged in a two-piece tin box!

Tarot-sized cards, 2.75 x 4.75. 310 Linen, glass finish.

78 cards cards, plus two extra cards, including a “cover card” that you can use to dress up the tin box.

Only as many copies will be printed as are actually ordered, making the edition extremely limited.

I hope you enjoy this deck as much as I did making it! 

 Landing in late November!


Monday, October 21, 2024

Kickin' Monster Ass -- In More Ways Than One


It's the season for Monsters to Come Out and Play, and this week I celebrated by revisiting Fred Dekker's wonderful 1987 creature fest THE MONSTER SQUAD -- with monsters by the great Stan Winston.

The movie is terrific fun, and ideal for the season, but it also makes me angry. Why?

Because although it features all of the classic Universal Monsters, Universal did NOT make this movie. And they should have.

But no -- since at least the early '80s, Universal has been managed by the biggest pack of braindead, drooling morons ever to take up office space. When Capcom approached them with the brilliant idea to do a fighting game based on the Universal monsters, those idiots said NO.

Capcom went ahead and made the brilliant DARKSTALERS -- to this day one of the classics of the genre.

And when Fred Dekker approached them to do THIS movie, those idiots said NO. again.

Every time they've had an opportunity to give the fans of their monster movies something that actually honored and respected the original classics, those idiotic twats have said NO.

And instead, they've given us nothing but STINK BOMBS like Tom Cruise in THE MUMMY, or DRACULA UNTOLD, or the utterly failed "Dark Universe" -- dumb-ass "re-imaginings" and reboots, and now in a few months they'll be dropping the latest pile of flaming shit on our doorsteps with their remake of THE WOLF MAN.

If they really wanted to keep their legacy alive, they've had their opportunities. But instead of listening to people who LOVE the old Universal monster movies, they've been listening to people who've never even bothered to WATCH those classics, and to people who who don't have the brains, talent or background to do it RIGHT.

Dear Suits Who Are Running Universal Into The Ground: someone should drive a stake through what passes for your hearts.

-- Thorn

Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Shortest Story I Ever Wrote

Once after midnight I was out walking when a man with the face and features of an owl came up to me unexpectedly out of the dark. He was clad in black from head to toe. He would not let me pass, but stared at me silently.

“What do you want of me?” said I.

“Who?” he said.

“I get that you’re an owl. But you haven’t answered my question.”

“Nor will I. Walk beside me a while.”

I stepped around him, and went on down the empty block.

“I’m beside you,” he said. “If you know it or not.”

I was alone in the street. There were no lights ahead, and none shone from the blocky black slabs of buildings on either side of the pavement, only a dim white bulb depending from the streetlamp at the corner I had just left. Still the road ahead grew brighter, though without any further detail becoming visible.

I raised my hands before my eyes. They had aged visibly since I had last seen them. 

The sleeves of my coat had turned to grey feathers.


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