Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Library of American Comics

Over the past few years, I've tried at least a time or two to extoll the virtues of The Library of American Comics (and have always had a link to their site in my sidebar). Dean Mullaney, my friend Bruce Canwell and their tiny crew of support people have been keeping the best classic newspaper comics alive for years now, and they keep on growing. If you like comics at all, walking into a room lined with shelves full of their books is like reaching Nirvana. If you've never heard of them, here's a very short new video to give you the barest sense of what they are about. Watch it -- and then head on over to their site: You won't regret it: and once you hold one of their tabloid-sized hardcovers in your hands, you won't believe how gorgeous they are. In fact, I'm behind on where I want to be with their books, and need to order up a few myself. 

Thanks to the blog largely written by Mr. Canwell, the site is a wealth of information and entertainment, too. Go there now!

-- Freder

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