Thursday, August 22, 2024

Let It Be.

Here we go.

The new animated BATMAN features much race-swapping and now The Penguin is a woman. Or something. In a way, I don't blame them. BATMAN has been done, and done, and done, and done, and done, and done, and done, and done, and done until he's been Done to Death and there's LITERALLY Nothing Else they can do to make it "fresh."

I love Batman, but his day is OVER. If I ever want more BATMAN, all I have to do is dig into my collection. When it comes to "new" Batman, I want them to Just Stop It. This holds true for Star Wars, All of Marvel, the Universal Monsters, and any other of the creative "franchises" (to use an oxymoron) that you can name.

Do not read anything into those words. All that I'm saying is STOP REMAKING all the Same Old Stuff, but in DRAG and BLACKFACE. And doing it BADLY.

MAKE SOMETHING NEW. Make something that is AUTHENTICALLY YOURS, not just a Politically Correct Revision of something that belongs to another generation.

Oh, and tell a story that actually makes sense and holds water about characters that we can care about. Can contemporary creators do that much? I'm beginning to think Not.

There are going to be some jackasses out there who attach "laffy faces" to this post, despite the fact I have not said anything funny. They have been raised on such a diet of Bland Sameness and Brand Affiliation that they literally cannot understand the concept of Originality, or Telling a Story that compels on its own merits. So Be It. Humans are often Willfully Ignorant.

-- Thorn.
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