Sunday, April 28, 2019

Everything Old is New

In the 40th year of doing … stuff under the name of Duck Soup Productions, Big Changes are happening , both visible and behind the scenes. Tarot by Duck Soup has moved into new, shinier and better-functioning lodgings (although you can enter the new building through the same old address,, and the Soup Can logo that has appeared on this site in various incarnations has been dusted off and given a much more refined look.

It served me well for about 25 years, even though its imperfections were obvious (to me at least). It was the best that I could manage at the time. But since this is the 40th year that Duck Soup Productions has been around in one form or another, I decided a new and better version was apropos… for one thing, I have better tools now. For another, I know how to use them better. I began by doing a complete re-design of the label in Photoshop, all the way down to and including re-drawing the duck from scratch. No more shaky lines or obvious boo-boos!

Using a vintage soup label as my guide, I filled in the overall label design so that it would be complete all the way around, and gave it a more authentic look. Then in Adobe Dimensions I wrapped it around a three-dimensional object, and the result is something with a lot more versatility and a much less amateurish appearance. What do you think? So you can see the difference, I’ve put it alongside the old version. 

I doubt very much whether historians will look at my stuff and use the logo change to date my output, the way they use changes in the wording of the Disney corporate identity to date Mickey Mouse collectibles (the earliest of which appeared under the “Walt E. Disney” brand, then “Walt Disney Enterprises,” and finally Walt Disney Productions”); still, in the 40th year that I’ve sort-of been doing this Thing, whatever it is, it feels nice and right to me to dust off the old logo and give it a bright, shiny new face.

— Thorn.

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